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    • Glossary
      • I-TIP Definitions
          • In the flow approach the application shows actions taken during the selected period: one year, one quarter, etc. Actions may be initiations, put into force or withdrawals. If a measure has initiation and putting into force in the same period, it will add to both numbers, initiations and putting into force.
        • I-TIP
          • Integrated Trade Intelligence Portal
        • IN FORCE DATE
          • The date when the measure is put in force, in I-TIP, is well known for trade defence measures (Antidumping, Countervailing, and Safeguards measures); in contrast, it may or may not be notified for SPS and TBT. The measures in agriculture (SSG, TRQ, XS, AMS) are defined in annual periods and here we use the start and the end of the year as in-force date and withdrawal date, respectively.
          • The initiation date is the date when the measure in preparation is made known to other WTO members; in SPS and TBT it is then the date when the measure is distributed to other members through DOL. In AD, CV, and SG, the date of initiation of investigation is also the date when the affected member is notified of initiation. In agricultural NTMs, initiation is not applicable.
          • Official communication of a member to WTO for fulfilling a requirement on information.
        • SILO
          • In the I-TIP application, "silos" refers to the underlying databases from which the information is harvested. Currently those are SPSIMS, TBTIMS, AGIMS, ADDB, SGDB, and CVDB.
          • In the stock approach, the application shows the measures in force at the selected date. Measures in force are discounted from measures initiated, and measures withdrawn are discounted from measures in force.
          • In this application, the measure, the imposing member, and the initiation or in-force date are required information gathered from notification documents; product information (HS or free text), affected countries, and other date information are not necessarily provided across all notifications. The Secretariat provides complementary information, wherever appropriate and meaningful, to assist in the interpretation of the notifications. Any supplementary information has been clearly identified as "WTO-interpreted" and is shown in italics in the results.
      • Intnl.Trade Concepts
        • MEASURE
          • Laws, regulations, and other actions taken by governments in the fields covered by I-TIP. In I-TIP, each measure is classified by type and has an imposing country, an in-force and an initiation date, an affected country, and may have affected products.
        • NTM
          • Non-Tariff Measures: In this application, the term "Non-Tariff Measures" (NTM or NTMs) is defined as the measures subject to monitoring through notification under GATT-WTO agreements. Measures that are not subject to monitoring are not considered here.
        • Trade defence measures
          • There are three types of measures grouped under this name: Antidumping, Countervailing, and Safeguards.
        • WTO
          • World Trade Organization: The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible.
      • Acronyms
        • ADDB
          • WTO's Antidumping Database
        • ADP
          • Antidumping: Measures notified to WTO as defined in Art.16.4. of the agreement on antidumping measures (Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of GATT-1994). These measures are sourced from the application ADDB, Antidumping Database.
        • AGIMS
          • WTO's Agriculture Information Management System
        • CRN
          • Central Registry of Notifications: The Uruguay Round Ministerial Decision on Notification Procedures has established under the responsibility of the Secretariat a Central Registry of Notifications (CRN). All notifications should be sent to the Administrator of the CRN and not to WTO bodies and/or Secretariat staff (with the exception of the notification requirements related to the IDB - Integrated Database). The CRN system is a section of the WTO's Documents Online application.
        • CTS
          • Consolidated Tariff Schedules Database
        • CV
          • Countervailing measures. In I-TIP, it refers to the measures taken under GATT Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, and in particular, on the information notified under the Article 25 of that agreement.
        • CVDB
          • WTO's Countervailing Database
        • DOL
          • Documents Online or DocsOnLine or DOL: It is the database providing access to the official documentation of the World Trade Organization, including the legal texts of WTO agreements.
        • IDB
          • Integrated Data Base
        • IMS
          • WTO's Information Management Systems.
        • SG
          • Safeguards measures. In I-TIP, it refers to the measures taken under GATT agreement on safeguards, and in particular, on the information notified under the Article 12 of that agreement.
        • SPS
          • Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures: Measures notified to WTO as defined in the SPS agreement, particularly the information notified under Annex B Article 5. I-TIP takes them from SPS-IMS system.
        • SPSIMS
          • WTO's Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Information Management System
        • TAO, IDB
          • Tool for consulting information from WTO trade and tariff databases, Integrated Data Base, IDB and Consolidated Tariff Schedules, and CTS.
        • TBT
          • Technical Barriers to Trade: Measures notified to WTO as defined in the TBT agreement, in particular the information notified under Articles 10 and 15. I-TIP takes them from the TBT-IMS system.
        • TBTIMS
          • WTO's Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Information Management System
        • TDF
          • Tariff Download Facility
      • HS & ICS Glossary
        • CHAPTER (HS)
          • Two-digit category of Harmonized System classification, covering 96 Chapters. Codes "98", "99", and "00" are optional for country use.
        • HEADING (HS)
          • Four-digit category of Harmonized System classification. Each Heading has a complete description. The HS system has about 1241Headings since 2002.
        • HS
          • Harmonized System of codification and classification of merchandises: Known generally as Harmoized System (HS), this system is kept by the WCO, World Customs Organizations. This classification is designed to be used by customs administrations in external trade matters. It is now applied by almost all countries in the world. The classification was launched in 1988 and is updated each five years: the first revision is called HS-1992; second revision HS-1996; third revision HS-2002; fourth HS-2007; and the fifth is HS-2012. It is a multi-level classification whose most detailed level is six digits with more than five thousand items at this level, called "Subheadings". They are grouped into Headings (1241 items coded at 4 digits) and Chapters (96 items coded at 2 digits). There are also 21 Sections; Sections are not represented in the HS codification. See methodology for the particularities on how the HS and its different versions are used in I-TIP.
        • ICS
          • International Classification for Standards. The ICS is maintained by the ISO, International Organization for Standardization, and is intended to serve as a structure for catalogues of standards and other normative documents as well as a basis for systems for standards. The ICS is a hierarchical classification that consists of three levels. The first level, called "field", covers 40 divisions at two digits. The fields are subdivided into 392 groups. The notation of a group consists of the field notation and a three-digit group number, separated by a point (e.g. 43.040). 144 of the 392 groups are further divided into 909 subgroups for a total of 1204 items at the most detailed level. The subgroups add two digits to the notation (e.g. 43.040.20). The first subgroup within the group refers to the complete subject of the respective group and has code ".01".
        • SECTION (HS)
          • Broadest Harmonized System category. The Harmonized System comprises 21 "Sections".
        • SUBHEADING (HS)
          • Most detailed international level of the Harmonized System (HS) classification, defined at six digits. In HS version 2012, there are 5205 Subheadings at six digits.
        • TARIFF LINE
          • Product classification level applied by countries. It goes deeper than the 6-digit common level of HS. In some cases, it has 12 digits.
    • Methodology
    • Map of the application
    • Classifications used in the application

  • Measures: Anti dumping [ADP], Countervailing [CV], Quantitative Restrictions [QR], Safeguards [SG], Sanitary and Phytosanitary [SPS] [Ordinaire, Urgence], Special Safeguards [SSG], Technical Barriers to Trade [TBT] [Mesures ordinaires], Tariff-rate quotas [TRQ], Export Subsidies [XS]
    Member(s) imposing: Any
    Partner(s) affected: Any [Include the category "All members"]
    Date(s): 30/06/2024 [initiated, in force]
    Product(s): Any
    Keywords: Any

  • Your query covers 28936 measures and 329 specific trade concerns
    Member imposingPartner affectedRequirementsPhaseSTCHSMeasures 
    AfghanistanAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 4 18
    AfghanistanAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 2 3
    AlbaniaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 128 129
    AlbaniaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 19 19
    AlbaniaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 49 49
    AlbaniaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 4 4
    Antigua and BarbudaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 2 4
    ArgentinaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 4 4
    ArgentinaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 179 194
    ArgentinaBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 16 17
    ArgentinaBilateralCountervailingInitiation 1
    ArgentinaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 3 3
    ArgentinaBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 107 108
    ArgentinaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 50 57
    ArmeniaAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 1
    ArmeniaAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    ArmeniaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 4 8
    ArmeniaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 15 27
    AustraliaAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 6 6
    AustraliaAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 58 174
    AustraliaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 26 33
    AustraliaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 280 480
    AustraliaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 2 2
    AustraliaBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 67 67
    AustraliaBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 19 21
    AustraliaBilateralCountervailingIn force 11 11
    AustraliaBilateralCountervailingInitiation 7 7
    AustraliaBilateralQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 4
    AustraliaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 7 7
    AustraliaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 47 52
    AustriaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    Bahrain, Kingdom ofAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 2
    Bahrain, Kingdom ofAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    Bahrain, Kingdom ofAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 2 3
    Bahrain, Kingdom ofAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 182 220
    Bahrain, Kingdom ofBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 2
    Bahrain, Kingdom ofBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 14 14
    BarbadosAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 36 36
    BarbadosAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    BarbadosAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 4
    BarbadosAll MembersSpecial SafeguardsIn force 88 88
    BarbadosBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 3 3
    BelgiumAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 7 10
    BelizeAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 8 9
    BeninAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1
    BeninAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 5 5
    Bolivia, Plurinational State ofAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 19 19
    BotswanaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 3 3
    BrazilAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 16 16
    BrazilAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 165 308
    BrazilAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 941 1526
    BrazilAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 1 1
    BrazilBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 27 28
    BrazilBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 157 158
    BrazilBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 8 8
    BrazilBilateralCountervailingIn force 3 3
    BrazilBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 105 139
    Brunei DarussalamAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 2 2
    Brunei DarussalamBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    BulgariaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 72 72
    BulgariaAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 44 44
    BulgariaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 27 27
    Burkina FasoAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 5 6
    BurundiAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 2 2
    BurundiAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 5 6
    Cabo VerdeAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 4 4
    CanadaAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 10 11
    CanadaAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 47 48
    CanadaAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 1
    CanadaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 46 74
    CanadaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 228 1342
    CanadaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 21 21
    CanadaBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 96 96
    CanadaBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 24 24
    CanadaBilateralCountervailingIn force 29 29
    CanadaBilateralCountervailingInitiation 6 6
    CanadaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 2 2
    CanadaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 3 4
    Central African RepublicAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 2
    Central African RepublicBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    ChileAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 46 49
    ChileAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 498 551
    ChileAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 1 1
    ChileBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 2 3
    ChileBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 10 10
    ChileBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 1 1
    ChileBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 125 150
    ChinaAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 40 40
    ChinaAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 1
    ChinaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 37 117
    ChinaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 522 1263
    ChinaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 10 10
    ChinaBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 106 110
    ChinaBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 13 13
    ChinaBilateralCountervailingIn force 6 6
    ChinaBilateralCountervailingInitiation 5 5
    ChinaBilateralQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 2 2
    ChinaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    ChinaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1
    ColombiaAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 18 18
    ColombiaAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    ColombiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 7 8
    ColombiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 257 299
    ColombiaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 58 58
    ColombiaBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 19 19
    ColombiaBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 6 6
    ColombiaBilateralCountervailingIn force 1 1
    ColombiaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    ColombiaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 32 34
    Costa RicaAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 17 18
    Costa RicaAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 1
    Costa RicaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 23 28
    Costa RicaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 168 189
    Costa RicaAll MembersSpecial SafeguardsIn force 5 5
    Costa RicaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 9 9
    Costa RicaBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 1 1
    Costa RicaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 2 2
    Costa RicaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 41 41
    Côte d'IvoireAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 15 15
    Côte d'IvoireAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 18 18
    Côte d'IvoireBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    CroatiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    CroatiaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 8 8
    CubaAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 14 41
    CubaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    CubaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 15 15
    CyprusAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 9 9
    CyprusAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 9 11
    Czech RepublicAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 16 16
    Czech RepublicAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 20 25
    Czech RepublicAll MembersSpecial SafeguardsIn force 9 9
    Czech RepublicAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 24 24
    Democratic Republic of the CongoAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    Democratic Republic of the CongoAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    DenmarkAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 4 5
    Dominican RepublicAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 25 37
    Dominican RepublicAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 22 34
    Dominican RepublicAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 8 8
    Dominican RepublicBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 3 3
    Dominican RepublicBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 1 1
    Dominican RepublicBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    EcuadorAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    EcuadorAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 28 29
    EcuadorAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 97 105
    EcuadorAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 13 14
    EcuadorBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 90 90
    EcuadorBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 83 89
    EgyptAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 2
    EgyptAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 28 31
    EgyptAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 76 98
    EgyptBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 19 21
    EgyptBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 7 8
    EgyptBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    El SalvadorAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 5 5
    El SalvadorAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 113 131
    El SalvadorAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 1 1
    El SalvadorBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 2 2
    El SalvadorBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 1 1
    EswatiniAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 5 6
    European UnionAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 2 10
    European UnionAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 20 20
    European UnionAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 126 140
    European UnionAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 559 785
    European UnionAll MembersSpecial SafeguardsIn force 71 71
    European UnionAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 87 87
    European UnionBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 126 126
    European UnionBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 17 18
    European UnionBilateralCountervailingIn force 21 21
    European UnionBilateralCountervailingInitiation 3 5
    European UnionBilateralQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 4 8
    European UnionBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 20 23
    European UnionBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 14 17
    FijiAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 3 4
    FinlandAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 2 2
    FranceAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 2 3
    FranceAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 13 14
    The GambiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    The GambiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 2
    GeorgiaAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 15 15
    GeorgiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1
    GeorgiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 20 24
    GermanyAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    GermanyAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 6 11
    GhanaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 5 5
    GhanaBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 1 1
    GuatemalaAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    GuatemalaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 4 4
    GuatemalaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 61 69
    GuatemalaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 22 22
    GuatemalaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    GuineaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 11 11
    GuyanaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    HaitiAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    HondurasAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 49 62
    HondurasBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    Hong Kong, ChinaAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 101 140
    Hong Kong, ChinaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 2 3
    Hong Kong, ChinaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 27 41
    Hong Kong, ChinaBilateralQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 2 2
    Hong Kong, ChinaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    Hong Kong, ChinaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    HungaryAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 15 16
    HungaryAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 22 22
    HungaryAll MembersSpecial SafeguardsIn force 5 5
    HungaryAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 70 70
    IcelandAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 2 2
    IcelandAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    IcelandAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 8 8
    IcelandAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 86 86
    IndiaAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 59 59
    IndiaAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 2
    IndiaAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 2
    IndiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 29 31
    IndiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 140 226
    IndiaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 3 3
    IndiaBilateralCountervailingInitiation 15 15
    IndiaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    IndiaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 9 14
    IndiaBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 139 141
    IndiaBilateralCountervailingIn force 11 11
    IndiaBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 235 235
    IndonesiaAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 1 1
    IndonesiaAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 1 12
    IndonesiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 23 52
    IndonesiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 57 85
    IndonesiaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 2 2
    IndonesiaBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 35 35
    IndonesiaBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 17 17
    IndonesiaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 3 3
    IndonesiaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 2 3
    IsraelAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 6 6
    IsraelAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 3 3
    IsraelAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 6 6
    IsraelAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 11 12
    IsraelBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 4 4
    IsraelBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 2 2
    ItalyAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 3 3
    JamaicaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 5 5
    JamaicaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 7 10
    JapanAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 50 80
    JapanAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 23 24
    JapanAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 663 823
    JapanAll MembersSpecial SafeguardsIn force 173 173
    JapanAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 18 18
    JapanBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 7 8
    JapanBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 1
    JapanBilateralQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 5
    JapanBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 6 6
    JapanBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 49 59
    JordanAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    JordanAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 7 7
    JordanAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 22 22
    JordanBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 10 10
    JordanBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 4 5
    KazakhstanAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 3 29
    KazakhstanAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 1
    KazakhstanAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    KazakhstanAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 2 2
    KazakhstanAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 30 39
    KazakhstanBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 4 4
    KazakhstanBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 60 65
    KenyaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    KenyaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 138 147
    KenyaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    Korea, Republic ofAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 87 90
    Korea, Republic ofAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 30 36
    Korea, Republic ofAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 326 698
    Korea, Republic ofAll MembersSpecial SafeguardsIn force 75 75
    Korea, Republic ofAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 67 67
    Korea, Republic ofBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 39 40
    Korea, Republic ofBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 3 3
    Korea, Republic ofBilateralQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 2 2
    Korea, Republic ofBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    Korea, Republic ofBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 14 18
    Kuwait, the State ofAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 52 74
    Kuwait, the State ofAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 2
    Kuwait, the State ofAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 2
    Kuwait, the State ofAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 2 3
    Kuwait, the State ofBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 49 49
    Kyrgyz RepublicAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 1
    Kyrgyz RepublicAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    Kyrgyz RepublicAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 3 3
    Kyrgyz RepublicAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 10 21
    Kyrgyz RepublicBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    Lao People's Democratic RepublicAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 8 12
    Lao People's Democratic RepublicAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 2
    Lao People's Democratic RepublicBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    LatviaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 41 46
    LatviaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 4 4
    LiberiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    LithuaniaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 1 1
    Macao, ChinaAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 10 20
    Macao, ChinaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 5 11
    Macao, ChinaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 10 14
    MadagascarAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 4
    MadagascarAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 4
    MadagascarAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 5 8
    MadagascarAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 23 25
    MadagascarBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    MadagascarBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 1
    MadagascarBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 3 3
    MalawiAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 14 23
    MalaysiaAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 2
    MalaysiaAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    MalaysiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 8 9
    MalaysiaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 33 44
    MalaysiaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 13 13
    MalaysiaBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 26 26
    MalaysiaBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 2 6
    MaliAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 17 20
    MaliAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 21 21
    MauritiusAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 9 9
    MauritiusAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 14 15
    MauritiusBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 4 4
    MexicoAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 5
    MexicoAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 53
    MexicoAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 12 14
    MexicoAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 325 341
    MexicoAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 11 11
    MexicoBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    MexicoBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 74 74
    MexicoBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 9 9
    MexicoBilateralCountervailingIn force 3 3
    MexicoBilateralCountervailingInitiation 1 1
    MexicoBilateralQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 4
    MexicoBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 128 131
    Moldova, Republic ofAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    Moldova, Republic ofAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 11 15
    Moldova, Republic ofAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 3 3
    Moldova, Republic ofBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 3 3
    MongoliaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 2
    MontenegroAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 48 49
    MoroccoAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 3 6
    MoroccoAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    MoroccoAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 4 4
    MoroccoAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 49 63
    MoroccoAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 16 16
    MoroccoBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 11 11
    MoroccoBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 3 3
    MoroccoBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 6 6
    MoroccoBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 10 12
    MozambiqueAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 2 4
    MozambiqueBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 2 2
    MyanmarAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 8 8
    NepalAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 6 9
    NepalAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 18 23
    NetherlandsAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 2
    NetherlandsAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 49 66
    New ZealandAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 1
    New ZealandAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 45 78
    New ZealandAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 87 110
    New ZealandAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 417 506
    New ZealandAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 3 3
    New ZealandBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 4 4
    New ZealandBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 4 4
    New ZealandBilateralQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 6
    New ZealandBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 29 34
    New ZealandBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 30 37
    NicaraguaAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 10 32
    NicaraguaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 7 8
    NicaraguaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 82 105
    NicaraguaAll MembersSpecial SafeguardsIn force 6 6
    NicaraguaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 2 2
    NicaraguaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 2 4
    NicaraguaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 3 4
    NigeriaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 21 29
    North MacedoniaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 13
    North MacedoniaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 1 1
    North MacedoniaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 2
    NorwayAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 11 11
    NorwayAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 6 6
    NorwayAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 30 33
    NorwayAll MembersSpecial SafeguardsIn force 2 2
    NorwayAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 214 214
    OmanAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 2
    OmanAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    OmanAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 12 12
    OmanAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 76 106
    OmanBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 2 3
    OmanBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 14 14
    PakistanAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    PakistanBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 53 53
    PakistanBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 9 9
    PanamaAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 1
    PanamaAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    PanamaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 55 70
    PanamaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 14 14
    PanamaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    PanamaBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    ParaguayAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 7 9
    ParaguayAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 17 21
    ParaguayBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    PeruAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 6 6
    PeruAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 2
    PeruAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 224 230
    PeruAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 325 338
    PeruBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 6 6
    PeruBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 4 4
    PeruBilateralCountervailingIn force 3 3
    PeruBilateralCountervailingInitiation 1 1
    PeruBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 146 149
    PeruBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 358 373
    PhilippinesAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 21
    PhilippinesAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 1 2
    PhilippinesAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 9
    PhilippinesAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 173 174
    PhilippinesAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 182 196
    PhilippinesAll MembersSpecial SafeguardsIn force 11 11
    PhilippinesAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 14 14
    PhilippinesBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 2 2
    PhilippinesBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 92 92
    PhilippinesBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 86 92
    PolandAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 16 17
    PolandAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 25 25
    PolandAll MembersSpecial SafeguardsIn force 288 288
    PolandAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 35 35
    QatarAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 2
    QatarAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 92 125
    QatarBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 14 14
    RomaniaAll MembersExport SubsidiesIn force 13
    RomaniaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 25 25
    RomaniaAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 7 7
    Russian FederationAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 58 93
    Russian FederationAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 1
    Russian FederationAll MembersSafeguardsInitiation 1
    Russian FederationAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 28 29
    Russian FederationAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 74 96
    Russian FederationAll MembersTariff-rate quotasIn force 4 4
    Russian FederationBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 23 24
    Russian FederationBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 4 6
    Russian FederationBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 76 78
    Russian FederationBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 70 70
    RwandaAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1 1
    Saudi Arabia, Kingdom ofAll MembersSafeguardsIn force 3
    Saudi Arabia, Kingdom ofAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 56 57
    Saudi Arabia, Kingdom ofAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 217 277
    Saudi Arabia, Kingdom ofBilateralAnti dumpingInitiation 2 2
    Saudi Arabia, Kingdom ofBilateralAnti dumpingIn force 5 5
    Saudi Arabia, Kingdom ofBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 87 88
    Saudi Arabia, Kingdom ofBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 119 128
    SenegalAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 2 2
    SenegalAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 4 5
    SeychellesAll MembersQuantitative RestrictionsIn force 6
    SeychellesAll MembersSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 1
    SeychellesBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryIn force 1 1
    SeychellesBilateralSanitary and PhytosanitaryInitiation 3